Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCStressFinding Balance in Life: Managing Stress for a Happier YouIn today's fast-paced and demanding world, finding a balance between work, personal life, and self-care...
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCWellnessHow to Stop Smoking Through HypnosisEvery day there is someone out there who tries to break an unhealthy habit. Every year, people sit down to make a New Year’s resolution...
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCCounseling in SpanishLos beneficios de la hipnosis/hipnoterapia centrada en el corazónLa hipnoterapia centrada en el corazón funciona en la parte subconsciente de la mente donde se almacenan nuestras memorias de largo plazo, e
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCCounseling in SpanishLa hipnoterapia puede ayudarte a sanar del pasado y superar la adiccion El agotamiento, el estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión han sido epidemias mundiales durante años. Quizás te estas preguntando si hay otra man
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCMental HealthOvercome Intrusive Memories of the Past With Heart-Centered HypnotherapyHeart-Centered Hypnotherapy will help you identify repressed memories and emotions that you have experienced because of a painful event...
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCTraumaSigns That Childhood Trauma Is Impacting Your Adult RelationshipsWhen you experience hurt, betrayal, abandonment, and many other painful emotions from your past, it may be difficult to trust and feel...
Tatiana St. Germain, LMHCAnxietyHypnotherapy Can Help You Heal From The Past & Overcome Addiction Burnout, stress, anxiety, and depression have been worldwide epidemics for years now. It’s time to seek help and allow yourself to be guided