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Wellness Blog Topics:
Counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, & Plantation, FL
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Honoring Motherhood: Celebrating the Strengths and Challenges of Being a Mom
This year, I celebrate my 5th Mother’s Day. I can’t help but reflect on how drastically my life has changed since the birth of my first....
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Why We Have Mom Guilt And What To Do About It
I was struggling to talk about mom guilt without using the term “mom guilt”, because it seems like a popular term that gets thrown around a
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
5 Practical Tips For Working Moms
Moms are master multitaskers. We wear 100 hats and are constantly balancing the mental, physical and emotional load...
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
How to Make the Transition From 1 to 2 Kids Easier On Families
As a maternal mental health counselor working with moms, I hear a lot of moms expressing anxiety over the decision to expand from 1 to 2...
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Motherhood + Social Media
I hear the constant narrative being spoken by women in my office. The way women so harshly judge themselves as they compare...
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Tips For Moms In Quarantine: The Struggle is Real...
It seems like overnight, every single person on the planet has had to adjust to a new way of living. Learn more...
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
How to Prevent Postpartum Depression
Everybody knows about Postpartum Depression, and it’s a good thing that its being spoken about, as it affects approximately 1 in 7 moms...
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
6 Tips to Enhance Your Emotional Health Postpartum
What if I told you that there were things you could do to bolster your mental health postpartum? Oftentimes I hear women speak about Postpar
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
How women can avoid shame in pregnancy and postpartum
As a woman, and as a therapist that specializes in women’s health, I thought I knew what to expect in pregnancy and the postpartum period. I
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Is My Teen Depressed? Warning Signs & Proactive Tips for Parents
It is no secret that we live in a time where depression and suicide rates are at an all-time high. Since 2007, teen suicide rates have risen
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
The Power of a Non-Contentious Heart
The practice of gratitude and forgiveness are interrelated concepts that often get separated as if they exist independently of one another.
Dr. Alex Gard, DMFT, LMFT, PMH-C
Why Vulnerability is the Key to Living Whole Heartedly
Vulnerability allows us to live life more fully and experience a deeper connection with ourselves and others.
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