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5 Tips for Stressing Less This Holiday!

Writer: Kate Campbell, PhD, LMFTKate Campbell, PhD, LMFT

Stressing Less This Holiday!

The holidays are intended to be a festive time where loved ones come together, but let's face it... the holidays can be stressful! The pressure to meet various expectations and obligations of family, friends, and work, not to mention decorating, can make you want to reach for an extra cup of eggnog or holiday cookie! As you prepare for the holiday season, remember you can shift your experience by making a few small changes.

Here are 5 tips for stressing less this holiday season, while getting into the holiday spirit.

  • Express Gratitude: What we focus on magnifies! This season, focus your attitude on gratitude. Research shows that thankfulness significantly reduces stress while cultivating joy, confidence, happiness, positivity, and optimism. During the holidays, take a few minutes to reflect on the positive things in your life. Find creative ways to express gratitude to others. The greatest gift you can give someone is to let them know how much you care and appreciate them.

  • Be Realistic: People put a lot of unnecessary pressure on themselves when trying to have the "perfect" holiday. You don't have to be Martha Stewart when decorating your house this year. Make a conscious effort to keep things in perspective, create new memories, and most importantly have fun!

  • Maintain Balance: Don't overcommit yourself. You have my full permission to say "Yes" when you want to and "No" when you need to. Look for ways to lighten your load by delegating tasks and sharing responsibilities. Balance, or lack thereof, can have a dramatic effect on your ability to enjoy the holidays. If you find yourself out of balance, slow down, breathe, and ask yourself what YOU need to do to take care of yourself.

  • Be Kind to Yourself: Despite the holiday frenzy, seek peace and serenity to recharge your batteries. Remember the holidays are about giving, not just to others, but also to yourself. A little self-care goes a long way! Indulge yourself with a spa day, take a yoga class, enjoy a walk on the beach, chat with friends, or visit your place of worship.

  • Remember the Reason for the Season: Whatever family, culture, or religious background you come from, it's important to remember the reason for the season. Whether you keep old traditions alive or start new ones this year, make them meaningful in your own way.

Holidays can be the best of times or the worst of times, depending on your outlook and how you manage stress. If you need additional support while coping with stressors or want to enhance your relationships, call 954-391-5305 ext. 1 or visit Dr. Kate provides anxiety treatment, stress management therapy, and individual counseling in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season,

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