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COVID-19 Safety Precautions

Your health and well-being are our main focus. That's why we offer options of online counseling or in office sessions with safety protocols. 


Your Health and Safety Are Our Main Focus

We get it... the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has thrown everyone off balance and we've all had to adjust to our new norms. With so many changes all happening at once, it's been extremely stressful and overwhelming.


Although many continue to participate in social distancing or self-imposed quarantine at home, that doesn't mean we need to remain isolated. It's more important than ever to stay connected to sources of support such as healthy friends and family.


Therapy is a wonderful resource to help you mentally and emotionally during a time with so many unknowns. Your therapist can help you focus on what's in your control and what you can do about your situation instead of getting overwhelmed by all of the things that are changing or paralyzed by fear. 

You Have Options... Online and In Office Appointments Are Available

With the continued developments of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), we offer an alternative option to maintain therapeutic support while adhering to social distancing recommendations or quarantine mandates (if applicable).


Due to recent events and increasing concerns about COVID-19, telehealth sessions are a healthy alternative to an office visit. Please consider your unique health needs and the needs of your loved ones when deciding whether to pursue office versus telehealth visits.


Online counseling is especially helpful for anyone who is in the "at risk" category being over 60+ years old or having an underlying health condition. 


Many are participating in social distancing, which we prefer to think of as physical distancing since there are still many ways to stay connected virtually. Online counseling is one of the ways you can stay connected and get the support you need safely from the comfort of your own home.


If you are in forced quarantine due to you or someone close to you testing positive for COVID-19, online counseling would be the best option for you to continue getting the mental health support you need while being stuck at home. 

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Safety Precautions

If you are in the “high risk” category due to any of the below situations, please talk with your therapist about online counseling.


  • If you have tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 2 weeks. 

  • If you are exhibiting symptoms such as a fever, cough, sore throat, or trouble breathing within the last 48 hours.

  • If you have been directly exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks.  

  • If you have traveled to any of the COVID-19 hot spots or traveled by plane internationally within the last two weeks. 


If you are having flu-like symptoms and have not already contacted your primary care physician, please do so immediately. 


If you are in the “high risk” categories above, please contact your therapist to discuss options for continued support via online counseling or to reschedule your session. 


Thank you for helping us stay healthy so we can continue to support our community.


We're taking the following precautionary measures for "low risk" clients who want to continue seeing their therapist in office:


  • We have HEPA air purifiers running 24/7 in the lobby and each therapy room. 

  • We have surgical masks for clients who want to wear a mask, but don't have one with them. We have surgical masks for the therapists when clients request their therapist wear a mask during session.

  • We have hand sanitizer in the lobby, each therapy room, and at the entrance/exits of the building. 

  • Each therapy room is arranged so that the therapist can sit at least 6 feet away from clients to maintain social distancing practices. 

  • Your therapist may request to take your temperature with a touchless thermometer before entering the office.   

  • We are heavily disinfecting the office at the end of the day and beginning of each day. 

  • After each session, your clinician sprays the office with disinfecting spray for soft surfaces.

  • After each session, your clinician wipes hard surfaces with disinfecting wipes (including the office door handles).

  • We provide access to disinfecting wipes, disinfecting spray, and hand sanitizer for each client to use in office before sessions (if they prefer).

  • All restrooms have disinfecting hand soap and paper towels available for use.

  • All team members are following the 20 second guidelines for frequent hand washing. 

  • If you have additional questions about how the communal space is cleaned, ask your therapist.


What we're asking of clients who are coming to sessions in office:


  • Please wait in your car or downstairs in the large open lobby until your therapist calls or texts you letting you know it's time to come into session. 

  • If you have family members or caregivers who usually wait in the lobby during session, please ask them to wait in their car until the therapist calls or texts them when it’s time to come back in to meet you.

  • If you are doing any domestic or international travel—inform your clinician. Based on the safety level of your destination, you may be asked to not come to your appointments in person and transition to online sessions for two weeks.

  • If anyone in your close circle of friends, family, colleagues, or neighbors have traveled domestically or internationally—inform your clinician.  Based on the safety level of the destination, you may be asked to not come to your appointments in person and transition to online sessions for two weeks.

  • If, at any point, there is a quarantine impacting your clinician, the offices of Bayview Therapy, and/or your neighborhood, all visits will occur online.  


There is a lot of information about COVID-19 aka the coronavirus. Bayview Therapy does not take the position of providing medical advice; therefore, to educate yourself, please visit the following links:



There is no right or wrong way to feel about COVID-19.  If you have a low level of concern, you are not under-reacting; and, if you are concerned and taking precautions and/or cancelling travel, you are not overreacting. If at any point between sessions you notice a level of fear or anxiety that is concerning to you or difficult to manage, please reach out by phone to discuss setting up a session.

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Related Blogs

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